बुधवार, 27 जनवरी 2010

A Coder’s cocktail

What happens if a young man of 25 is posted in a company to an alien land wherein forced by circumstances and unappetizing choices he plays his age and does all the youthful mistakes, and then one day he is left stranded in an alternate world of competing professionals?

Set in recession times, on the backdrop of the most respected IT company in India, INFOSYS, A Coder’s Cocktail promises to take you on an epic tale of friendship and betrayal, of love and office politics traversing on its way the gloomy shades of today’s youth to the age old struggles of seeking to answer the dark side of being a man. When the circumstances play truth and dare with the morality of my hero SJ, when his best friends are fired from the company courtesy recession...
Coder’s Cocktail takes him on a journey where he rediscovers all that was hidden under the bed sheet of his bachelor wants and sleeping conscience; he discovers his true self!

Compiled into 13 chapters and 240 pages, this book offers her readers everything, all that is not to be done in IT corporate life!!

shashwat rai

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